Wednesday, 18 February 2015

FRESH is all you need!

Is your bathroom cupboard piled high with tonnes of different supplements you have been told are "great" for your hair. All the different vitamins you persuade yourself that you can only get from these particular supplements. FORGET THEM ALL!

All you need is lots and lots of FRESH fruit and veg! These naturally contain the vitamins you need for healthy hair and for a lot cheaper too! Start caring for your hair from the inside. 

In this post I will be giving you ideas of the best fruits and vegetables for healthy hair and exactly what they contain.

Pineapple, Nectarines, Sweet potatoes and Carrots are all full of beta-carotene which converts into Vitamin A in the body. Sufficient amounts of Vitamin A will help produce essential oils to keep the scalp moisturized and avoid dry/flakiness. 

*CITRUS FRUITS* A great way to healthy hair is lots of Vitamin C and an easy way to get this is to eat lots of citrus fruits. Vitamin C helps to build collagen which is important for hairs growth as it surrounds the hairs follicle. It also plays an important role in absorbing iron which is essential for keeping hair strong.

Dark Green vegetables such as Broccoli, Kale, cabbage and asparagus contain a very high percentage of water which will help to keep hair hydrated. These vegetables are also rich in Vitamin A which will not only condition hair but also contain antioxidants which help to strengthen and thicken hair and reduce breakage.

Coconut water is a brilliant drink which has a lot of health benefits, drink on its own or in a smoothie for its amazing benefits. This promotes hair growth and can penetrate hair shaft, moisturizing it and giving a healthy shine. Lauric acid which is also present in coconut water, this shields the hair proteins and protects the root of the hair strands, preventing breakage. 

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